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Why Solar Panels are Good for the Environment

July 27, 2024

Have you ever considered installing solar panels in your home? If yes, why did you want them installed in your home? Possibly, one of the primary reasons that you would like to have solar panels installed in your home is because they are good for the environment.

Solar energy is green energy. Unlike other sources of energy, it does not pollute the environment. Solar energy is also efficient and works just like other energy sources. This makes it an excellent choice for an energy source if you want your home to be more eco-friendly!

This article will explain precisely why solar panels are considered good for the environment. If you are still undecided about installing solar panels in your home, we hope you will finally make up your mind to have them installed after reading this article! You obviously would like your home to be more eco-friendly, right?

If you are considering installing solar panels in your home, we invite you to contact us at Sun Solar Electric for a free consultation. We've been in the business for over 30 years and have the technical know-how and expertise for solar panel installation services.

Eco-friendly Solar Panels

The term 'eco-friendly' means 'not harmful to the environment.' This is what solar energy is – it does not harm the environment.

Other energy sources, such as coal, oil, and gas, contribute to environmental pollution. On the other hand, solar energy is clean energy and does not pollute the environment. Solar energy is derived from the sun and is harnessed using solar panels.

Also, solar energy is a renewable source of energy. Unlike other sources of energy, it cannot be depleted. This is because it is harnessed from the sun, a natural source.

As human beings, we have the duty to conserve the environment and to make it a safer place for our generation and future generations. As earlier stated, solar energy is as efficient as any other energy source. This makes it a great energy choice if you want to make an impactful, personal contribution to environmental conservation efforts. It will definitely be of significant impact if you decide to make the switch to solar energy in your home.

We at Sun Solar Electric provide installation services for eco-friendly solar panels. We invite you to reach out to us if you would like to make your home eco-friendlier by switching to solar panels as a source of energy.

How Solar Panels Work

Solar panels harness solar energy from the sun. Numerous nuclear fusion reactions occur deep within the sun. The result of these reactions is electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which is released to the earth in the form of photons, i.e., sunlight particles.

The science behind how solar panels work is referred to as the ‘photovoltaic effect.’ When sunlight particles strike the solar panels, they split the electrons from the atoms, setting them in motion. This flow of electrons is what generates electricity.

Solar panels capture this electricity and convert it to AC electricity, which you can comfortably use within your home. This AC electricity is what powers up all your electric home appliances and lighting and heating equipment.

You can run your entire household on solar power. Therefore, solar energy will save you the cost of paying electricity bills. Besides being affordable, it is a renewable and green energy source and, consequently, non-toxic to the environment.

However, for solar panels to work effectively, they should be installed properly. You should select the right type of solar panel and the best angle for it to be installed. We at Sun Solar Electric can help you do this.

How Solar Panels Help the Environment

As earlier stated, solar energy is a green and renewable source of energy. It does not contribute to environmental pollution, and therefore it is good for the environment.

Thanks to solar panels, the level of environmental pollution has been reduced. Solar-powered devices do not emit any harmful emissions to the environment. Below, we list the reasons why solar panels are considered good for the environment:

  • They help save energy

  • No harmful emissions

  • Solar energy is a renewable source of energy

  • Solar panels are durable and require little maintenance

  • Solar panels do not contribute to water pollution

  • Solar panels do not contribute to noise pollution

  • Solar energy is the most versatile source of energy

  • Solar panels help slow down climate change

Here is a comprehensive explanation of each of these reasons:

Solar Panels Help Save Energy

You can run your entire household or business on solar power. This means you will not have to use any electrical energy from the National Grid. As a result, solar panels help save energy.

Even if you do not fully rely on solar energy, solar panels help reduce the amount of energy cut off from the National Grid. Thanks to solar panels, fewer households and businesses depend on the National Grid, which helps conserve energy.

Solar panels will help you cut off costs on energy bills. In fact, if you run your entire household on solar energy, you will have little to no energy bills. This is because you will not depend on the National Grid.

No Harmful Emissions

Solar panels do not emit any harmful emissions. This means that they do not pollute the environment, unlike other energy sources such as coal and petroleum.

This is because solar panels rely entirely on harnessing energy from the sun. The sun is a clean source of energy. Unlike other sources of energy that emit greenhouse gasses and therefore contribute to global warming, solar panels do not.

If you install solar panels in your home, you are guaranteed that you will have contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists estimate that solar panels reduce global warming by almost 80%.

Solar Energy is a Renewable Source of Energy

Solar energy is renewable. This means that it can never run out; it is an infinite source of energy. Solar energy is derived from the sun, and the sun will always be around even for a billion years to come.

Other sources of energy, such as fuel, are non-renewable. The more you use them, the more likely they will get depleted. When you opt for solar energy, you indirectly help in the conservation of renewable sources of energy.

Solar Panels are Durable and Require Little Maintenance

Solar panels last long, and they require little to no maintenance. This is definitely good news, right?

Solar panels do not require frequent maintenance and servicing, unlike other typical energy appliances. This saves you some money and reduces the level of environmentally toxic waste products emitted from repair and servicing processes.

Other conventional energy appliances have a short lifespan and may require constant replacement. Often, the manufacture of these appliances results in the production of environmentally unfriendly waste products. On the other hand, the average lifespan of solar panels is 50 years.

If you have solar panels installed in your home, the only thing you are required to do to maintain them in shape is to clean them a few times per year. You can rely on cleaning companies to do this.

Moreover, most solar panels have a 20 – 25 years warranty period. After you've paid for the initial cost of installing them in your home, you should expect to spend very little on repair and maintenance costs.

Solar Panels do not Contribute to Water Pollutio

Unlike other energy sources, solar energy does not contribute to water pollution. Solar panels do not produce any harmful waste products that can pollute water sources.

Additionally, solar panels require little water for their maintenance. Other energy sources, for instance, nuclear power plants, need 20 times as much water for maintenance. Therefore, solar panels help conserve water.

Solar Panels do not Contribute to Noise Pollution

Solar panels do not contribute to noise pollution. In fact, they do not emit any noise during their energy production processes.

This makes them an ideal fit for urban areas. Certain large urban commercial enterprises have opted for solar energy primarily due to the fact that it does not contribute to noise pollution.

Solar Energy is the Most Versatile Source of Energy

Solar energy is versatile. It can be harnessed and used in almost any environment. This is unlike other sources of energy, such as hydroelectricity which requires a large water source, or wind energy which requires a vast, ample space with constant wind changes.

Nothing can prevent solar panels from generating energy. It is only during cloudy days when the energy output will be much lower. No matter where you live, solar panels are the most versatile alternative source of clean energy.

Solar Panels Help Slow Down Climate Chang

Other sources of energy, for example, coal and petroleum, emit greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. The accumulation of these greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere results in global warming. Global warming may result in rising sea levels and the melting of glaciers. This can bring about a myriad of calamities, such as cyclones, drought, frequent floods, and extreme heat.

On the other hand, because solar panels do not emit greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere, they do not contribute to global warming. The more households and businesses resort to solar panels, the lower the level of global warming. As a result, solar panels help slow down climate change.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy to the Environment

Although solar energy benefits the environment in numerous ways, using solar panels has a few shortcomings for the environment, as follows:

  • Solar farms may require a lot of space

  • The manufacturing process for solar panels may need plenty of water

  • The manufacturing process for solar panels is not entirely clean

Below, we explain each of these shortcomings comprehensively:

Solar Farms may Require a Lot of Space

Typically, solar farms require a lot of space. They may take up plenty of land, which could otherwise have been subjected to agriculture.

Unlike wind farms, you cannot share a solar farm with other agricultural pursuits because solar farms have to be mounted on the ground. However, this problem can be solved by establishing solar farms on waste ground.

The Manufacturing Process for Solar Panels may Need Plenty of Water

Like other energy systems, the manufacturing process for solar panels may require plenty of water. This is not good for the environment.

However, the process of manufacturing solar panels does not require as much water as that of other energy systems. Therefore, solar energy remains the most viable alternative source of energy that bolsters water conservation efforts.

The Manufacturing Process for Solar Panels is not Entirely Clean

The manufacturing process for solar panels is not entirely clean. The manufacture of solar panels may result in the emission of harmful waste products to the environment.

For instance, monocrystalline solar cells emit plenty of silicon waste which is hazardous to the environment. However, most solar panel manufacturing companies have measures in place to ensure the safe disposal of such waste products.

Why you should Install Solar Panels in your Home

To contribute significantly to environmental conservation efforts, you should consider installing solar panels in your home. As explained in this article, solar panels provide numerous benefits to the environment.

Although the manufacturing process for solar panels may pose certain hazards to the environment, solar energy remains the most viable source of clean energy. Also, solar panel manufacturing companies are working towards eliminating these hazards.

Besides the fact that solar panels are good for the environment, they can help you save money on energy bills. Your entire household or business will also be self-sufficient since you will stop relying on the National Grid for energy. Because solar panels are durable and last long, you will not spend much on repair and maintenance costs.

Find Affordable and Reliable Solar Panel Installation Services Near Me

If you are considering installing solar panels in your home, we invite you to reach out to us at Sun Solar Electric. Call us today at 707-658-2157 for a free consultation. We provide affordable and reliable solar panel installation services in the Bay Area and Northern California.

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